About Us
What is Jersey Barnfire Hot Sauce, LLC about?
That’s a simple question with a simple answer.
Local food supports local farmers. We believe the people need to see the hard working families who grow the food we eat. Right away it became apparent that the farmers need to get the credit they deserve. People today also want to know for themselves where the food they eat comes from and that it’s safe. These two important ideals are what we want for our children, our families, and ourselves. The difference is to show our customers where their food comes from, where their money goes and that it’s supporting LOCAL farms, and building LOCAL jobs in the communities.
Cofounders Austin D’Almeida and John Sauchelli are all about anything hot, spicy and flavorful. We are just two old friends from New Jersey who came together one day in front of a chili pepper garden and decided to make some hot sauce. Jersey Barnfire Hot Sauce was born! The name, however, had not yet been conceived, since we had no intention of selling it at first. But when popular opinion became that we make it for everyone who tried the sauce we decided to bring everyone what they wanted.
Jersey Barnfire Hot Sauce, LLC makes our products using the freshest produce in the Garden State to provide you with the highest quality hot sauces around…..
Oh, and making it burn just right!